The Wizard of Speed and Time Movie Review

In 1979, Mike Jittlov made a mark on Hollywood with the creation of the special effects short "The Wizard of Speed and Time" - and over the following decade, turned that ordeal into a movie! It has become somewhat of a cult classic, but emphasis on the cult because I'm sure most of you out there haven't even heard about this one... which is a sha

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How's it going! What's up! I'm an avid film buff and 80s toy collector. I also love anime. Spending time with family and friends Decker Shado is what I enjoy.movies to seeA list of 80s classicsBig Screen Experience at its BestChaos in the MoviesBloody ItalianaMail-Order Films

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About Me

What's new! I am Pilar. I also enjoy science-fiction, horror, and videogames. When I'm not fighting my enemies online, I like to curl-up with a creepy horror novel or binge-watch a slasher movie Film Reviews on Netflix. Although serial killers fascinate me, you shouldn't worry. I won't be killing any time soon, at least not until I have completed L

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Nature Unleashed: Volcano - Decker Shado

A "blast" from the past, the Nature Unleashed series of movies from Nu Image were a special breed. Theoretically based on science, the need to make them larger than life stories tended to grant more than a little artistic license, which we see well on display in today's review of Nature Unleashed: Volcano. A man loses (blog post) his wife, a

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